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Elspeth Thomson delivered the Children Law round-up at the 28th National Resolution Conference

David Gray’s Managing Partner and Family law specialist, Elspeth Thomson, delivered her popular and authoritative Children Law round-up again at the 28th National Resolution Conference, which was held in Newcastle/Gateshead on 22nd/23rd April.

This annual conference is regarded as one of the most significant in the legal calendar for child and family law experts from across the country. This year the conference was chaired by Judge Peter Boshier, Chief Ombudsman for New Zealand and President of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and included contributions from some of the best known solicitors and barristers working in this field.

At the conference Elspeth delivered her Children Law update on the latest developments and best practice in children law with fellow Resolution member Samantha Little to 400 family lawyers. In recent years her training has been very well received by renowned children lawyers from across the country: “clear, engaging and concise”, “insightful comment” “always excellent”, ”the flagship event”, “brilliant presentation” were some of the comments about Elspeth’s updates.

A highlight on Saturday was the ‘Family Justice Question Time’, being moderated by Clive Coleman, the BBC’s Legal Correspondent, Broadcaster and Barrister. The panel included: Sir Paul Coleridge (High Court Judge from 2000 – 2014 and founder of the Marriage Foundation); Sally Harrison QC (Head of Chambers, St Johns Buildings); HHJ Rachel Hudson (Designated Family Judge for Northumbria and North Durham); Jo Miles (Faculty of Law, Cambridge University) and Nigel Shepherd (Incoming National Chair, Resolution).

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