My abuser is in prison, but still contacts me.

1 year ago

What can I do if my abuser contacts me from prison? If you’ve been the victim of domestic abuse, you…

Energy Performance Certificate

1 year ago

Why are Energy Performance Certificates important in commercial conveyancing? Energy Performance Certificates (“EPCs”) are a vital document for commercial conveyancing…

World Cup

1 year ago

During major football tournaments such as the World Cup, there is generally a rise in Domestic Abuse incidents. Correlation between…

Do I have to pay for a solicitor at the police station?

1 year ago

Interview at police station If you are suspected of committing a criminal offence, you may be interviewed by the Police…

Wills and digital assets

1 year ago

What are digital assets? The term ‘Digital Assets’ covers a wide range of belongings, from assets with a sentimental value,…

What changes are being made to police bail?

1 year ago

What changes are being made to police bail? On 28 October 2022, section 45 and schedule 4 of the Police,…

The cheapest way to get divorced

1 year ago

Simplified divorce law We wrote a blog back in March 2022 setting out the changes that were being made to…

What is a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards?

1 year ago

What is a DoLS? DoLS is an acronym which stands for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Unless you have been faced…

Can I be made to do hair strand testing?

1 year ago

What is hair strand testing? Hair strand testing is used in the Family Court to determine whether someone (normally a…

Can new evidence change a criminal law decision?

1 year ago

Innocent until proven guilty One of the core principles of the criminal justice system in England and Wales is that…