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Ladies who Network

Over 100 working women met at the Baltic Mill on Tuesday evening to celebrate the business success and talents of females in and around Newcastle.



Our guests were treated to Prosecco and canapes whilst they browsed several stalls set up by local women business owners. There were handmade chocolates by Ali’s Ark, stylish jewellery by Stella and Dot and a selection of beauty products by Arbonne and Temple Spa, plus some amazing products by Hanging By A Fred made using upcycled climbing rope! Everyone also went home with a David Gray Solicitors goodie-bag!

The evening gave business women the chance to meet new people, as well as catch up with friends and colleagues. The guest list was diverse – from the set designer aBridge3t the Theatre Royal, to bank managers from Handelsbanken.  Experiences were exchanged, along with business cards, and the evening was topped off with the Millennium Bridge being lit in David Gray’s stylish corporate colour!

Many thanks to everyone who attended for making it such an enjoyable evening and watch this space for our next event.

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