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Unsure about how to resolve your family issues as a couple? Our Choosing Options Together service could be just what you need.

Hearing information about your options together, at the same time, from the same person enables you to co-operate and take decisions together from the outset. It helps to avoid misunderstandings that can happen when people seek initial advice from different lawyers. For separating couples who feel able to meet together we have developed Choosing Options Together – a service unique to David Gray Solicitors.

At a Choosing Options Together meeting, we start by discussing the key facts about you and your partner’s personal circumstances. This allows us to provide detailed information regarding the various options and services that can help you and your partner to resolve the issues you are currently facing, including Collaborative Family Law and Family Mediation and Arbitration

This meeting will be helpful for:

  • Couples who are separating or contemplating separation
  • Separated or divorced couples/parents who have unresolved problems which may require legal help

A Choosing Options Meeting will give each and both of you a much clearer shared understanding of the issues you need to deal with, and many clients have told us how helpful this has been for them, for example:

“Thanks for our meeting… We did find it useful and many things that you have said have helped us reach a mutual understanding of different issues and aspects of our separation. Thanks for the help in offering different perspectives and insights.”

Choosing Options Together meetings usually take about two hours. You will also be given an information pack to take away. Meetings are charged at a fixed fee of £600 excluding VAT per couple.

For more information or to make an appointment contact our family team in Newcastle or South Shields by email to louise.law@davidgray.co.uk or on 0191 243 8163.

The David Gray Choosing Options Together Team

Sukhi Patter

Senior Associate Solicitor

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