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I am a Conveyancing Paralegal in the property department at David Gray Solicitors.

I understand the importance of regularly updating and informing clients throughout their conveyancing transaction. The process of selling or buying a house can be overwhelming for clients. I aim to make the process as stress free as possible by ensure I am understanding, approachable and friendly to each client.

I pride myself in my can-do attitude and constant willingness to learn, as this enables me to offer the best service possible to clients. I understand the importance of client care and I am always available to discuss any concerns a client may have.

Education/Career Path

I graduated from Northumbria University in 2022. I completed the MLaw Exempting degree, which combines the LLB degree with the LPC qualification and master’s degree award.

Prior to joining David Gray Solicitors, I was employed as a Conveyancing Paralegal at local firms.

I also have pro bono experience working in the family department at Northumbria University’s Student Law Office.

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