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I am the Customer Relationship Manager in the immigration team.

I am the first point of contact for immigration queries. My role is to identify what help people need with their immigration case and then direct them to the best person in our team to assist them.

I have an empathetic nature and I am a good listener. I endeavour to ensure that every person who contacts us feels heard and to provide them with a calm and efficient service.

I have a degree in Law from the University of Northumbria.

I am a qualified Bengali and Sylheti translator and interpreter having over 20 years’ experience assisting communication in health, social care, criminal and immigration settings.

My career background is in teaching and training varied age groups who have English as a second language.

I have also undertaken short courses on Mediation and Counselling.

Contact Details

E: Sabina.Jaigirdar@davidgray.co.uk

T: 0191 232 9547 EXT: 2307

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