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Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors (FLOWS)

David Gray are excited to be a part of FLOWS – Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors a new project by the Family Team of RCJ Advice, in partnership with Rights of Women.

FLOWS enables front line workers working with survivors of domestic abuse to access legal advice resources and aims to help break down the barriers women face when trying to access legal remedies for domestic abuse.

For survivors of domestic abuse who want help applying for a Non-Molestation Order or Occupation Order, FLOWS has developed an online system which allows women to complete some easy to understand questions and then choose a local legal partner organisation to send their completed online form to. If a women chooses not to access legal aid (as there may be a significant contribution), then the FLOWS team at RCJ Advice will check their forms for them.

At David Gray we are proud to be one of the delivery partners in the North East. As soon as your online information comes through to us, one of our specialist domestic abuse team will contact you directly to discuss your case and support you throughout the process.

Currently this online system is only available directly through the FLOWS team or a front line worker but the aim is for a full public launch  to take place in the near future which would enable women to self-refer.

The FLOWS team have been busy promoting the project and have already met with various front line organisations, local authorities and Police Commissioners. The team are able to visit front line organisations to provide further information on FLOWS and can be contacted at FLOWS@rcjadvice.org.uk or on 0203 745 7707.

If you would like advice on domestic abuse or a family matter please contact Louise Law on 0191 243 8163.

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