Why is January called ‘divorce month’?

Solicitors tend to see an increase in the number of new enquires about divorce in January, a trend resulting in January being dubbed ‘divorce month’ by the media.
Below are some practical tips to assist you if you find yourself dealing with separation or divorce this year.
Your wellbeing during separation
Be kind to yourself and look after your wellbeing
Going through a divorce or separation is an emotional rollercoaster. Use your support network and seek professional help if necessary. Make sure you take time for yourself.
Your children during separation
Deciding to tell children about separation and divorce can seem daunting. Make sure that you and your spouse are on the same page about your relationship before you tell your children.
Try and agree the practicalities around things like the school run and children’s activities to minimise disruption for the children.
Resolution is an organisation of which our family law team are members who abide by a code of conduct including a non confrontational approach to family law. Their site has has some great advice and support online to help you.
Living arrangements during separation
Difficult decisions may need to be made around who might move out of the family home or whether it is possible to remain under the same roof in the short term.
Your living situation will inevitably impact on how and when you spend time with your children and you also need to consider the financial impact of any decisions. Remember that two houses cannot live as cheaply as one.
Finances during separation
Start building up a clear picture of what your finances look like by looking an income and expenditure. Gather together things like bank statements and payslips as they will be required as part of the disclosure process that takes place during divorce.
Obtain up to date balances of any liabilities like credit cards and, if you own your home or other property, think about having it valued.
Check benefit and child maintenance entitlement and try and discuss and reach an agreement with your spouse about how you will each meet your financial commitments in the short term as it may be some time before things are finalised.
Consider separation options
There are a number of different ways in which you can approach a divorce and separation which include:
- DIY – reaching an agreement between yourselves
- Mediation
- Lawyers negotiating on your behalf
- Collaborative practice
- Arbitration
- Going to court
Every situation and family is different and so a process which works really well for one separating couple may be the wrong process option for another.
Your rights during separation
Seek legal advice early on so that you can feel confident that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities right from the outset.
One of our specialist divorce and separation specialists can guide you through the process to assist you in achieving the best possible outcome for you and your family. Call now on 0191 243 8167 and our friendly team will assist you or you can email us at louise.law@davidgray.co.uk or complete this contact form and we will call you back when convenient.