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The Land Registry during COVID-19

What is the Land Registry?

If you are buying or selling a property you will need the services of The Land Registry.

The Land Registry is the government agency responsible for recording ownership of land and property dealings. It maintains a public register and is vital in proving ownership of all land from houses, flats and offices to large landed estates. Like the rest of us the Land Registry has been affected by the current crisis and is having to adapt to new ways of working.

Many of their staff are now working remotely and services have been delayed as a result. The good news is that they maintained key services with minimal disruption to important search applications. Such searches are vital in property purchases and mortgages. Things that are taking longer than usual include applications to register changes of ownership or new titles such as the creation of a lease or a right to buy purchase. These are taking much longer than usual to complete – months rather than weeks.

The Land Registry can expedite non urgent cases if they become urgent for example if it is holding up a property sale or purchase

This government agency has a vital role as without its operations properties could not be bought sold or mortgaged. The housing market would come to halt. It is also important in maintaining up to date records of who owns land. In the digital age paper deeds no longer exist and so we all reply upon the Land Registry in order to show we own our homes.


If you have any queries or concerns in relation to moving house please give our specialist property team a call on 0191 243 8167 and visit our property web pages.

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