All Change!

This month it is all change at David Gray Solicitors as we continue investing in our next generation via our successful trainee solicitor programme.
Firstly, may we congratulate Josh Hart and Pierrette Tshibuyi on completing their training which means they are now fully qualified solicitors.
At David Gray Solicitors we take an active and committed approach to training the solicitors of tomorrow. We have a full and active training programme where trainee solicitors are offered seats in various departments throughout their training. This ensures they can obtain experience of various types of law and assess which may best suit their skills.
Training Partner Bryony Rest said: “We are really proud of our track record in investing and encouraging those who want to become solicitors. Our trainees are mentored for two years and experience several areas of law allowing them to make informed choices about the type of law they wish to pursue”.
Jodie Peace and Chloe McGlade who have each been with David Gray for two years have also been promoted to trainee solicitors and join the rest of trainees who are at various stages of the programme. Here are some of our current trainee solicitors:
L-R – Hannah Mostoufi, James Rickerby, Jodie Peace, Aimee McKay, Molly Beattie, Jeanette Steuer, Parmdeep Kaur. We also have Thomas Tully and Chloe McGlade who are not in this photo bringing our current total to nine.