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I am a Partner at David Gray and have worked as a solicitor for over 20 years (qualifying in 1999) and specialise in both Family law and Court of Protection work.

Family Law

I represent parents and children (through their Children’s Guardian or directly if legally competent) in cases involving children’s services and I have significant experience of difficult cases that deal with allegations of sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation, non-accidental injuries, shaken baby syndrome, death of a child, faked illness or factitious disorder, neglect and social deprivation, teenage parents, deprivation of liberty of children, gender identity and cultural issues including forced marriage, FGM and honour based violence.

I also represent children in difficult cases between their parents where they are joined as a party within proceedings and the court have appointed a Children’s Guardian.

I am a local committee member of Resolution, the professional group for family lawyers who take a non-confrontational approach to resolving family law disputes.

I am an accredited Resolution specialist in children law and a Law Society specialist children panel member which recognise my expertise in these areas of law. I am a trained currently non practising family mediator.

I was involved in the pioneering Resolution Family Matters project as a guide providing impartial, bespoke legal assistance to separating couples and evaluating the benefits of early intervention.

Court of Protection

I also represent vulnerable adults in the Court of Protection and am regularly instructed by advocates to assist those who are deprived of their liberty and wish to challenge their residence and care arrangements, teenagers moving from care to adult services and vulnerable adults where there are concerns around safeguarding and those who lack capacity through the offices of the Official Solicitor as litigation friend or by being appointed by the court  directly as an accredited Law Society Mental capacity panel lawyer accredited legal representative to ensure the rights of a person deprived of their liberty are protected and their wishes and feelings are properly heard and considered.

I can also help family members who are involved in a welfare dispute about their family member such as where they should live or who they should spend time with.

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