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I am a solicitor within the family team at David Gray and have experience primarily in both public and private child care proceedings. I also represent clients going through divorce and in cases of domestic abuse. I have the specialist Resolution Accreditation in Domestic Abuse and Public Law Children work.

I appreciate that I work with clients in difficult and emotional circumstances and therefore I always approach matters sympathetically and with understanding and care. I pride myself on giving clear and realistic legal advice using non-technical language which is tailored to the needs of clients. I recognise that matters can often be unpredictable and I endeavour to support clients to the best of my ability from the outset of the matter through to conclusion.

I graduated from the University of Durham with a degree in Law and completed the Legal Practice Course in Manchester before undertaking a training contract with a firm in Teesside. I qualified as a solicitor on 16th September 2019 and joined David Gray on the same date.

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