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The Court of Protection helps deal with the property and affairs of those who are unable to deal with their own finances. In such a case it may be necessary for an application to be made to the Court for a ‘Deputy’ to be appointed. We can assist and guide you through the slow and complex application process. We can also act as professional Deputy if there is no other friend or relative able to take on the role.

Our Court of Protection (finances) team in Newcastle and South Shields can also assist family members or lay deputies in managing others financial affairs. Our team offers support and guidance on the management of finances when an individual has lost or is losing capacity and is unable to progress urgent interim applications to the court. The Court of Protection team make home visits.

Please call Hayley Baker on 0191 243 8167 for more information, a no obligation quote or for an appointment.

The David Gray Court of Protection (Finance) Team

Nicola Fisher

Associate Solicitor

Alexa Wilson


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