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Legal aid restrictions lifted for victims of domestic violence

The Ministry of Justice today announced changes to the law for victims of Domestic Violence, in place from January 2018 the new rules remove the current  time limit and allow for admission of fresh categories of evidence.

Read the full news story 

Managing Partner at David Gray, Elspeth Thomson who is also chair of the legal aid committee at the family law organisation Resolution, said: “We’ve been calling for changes to the evidence gateway since Laspo was implemented in 2013 and welcome this news. Parliament has committed to protect victims of domestic abuse so ministers have a duty to ensure that those who need legal aid are able to access it.

“These changes, made in consultation with Resolution and others, are a step in the right direction, allowing the justice system to better support at-risk and vulnerable people at perhaps the most difficult time of their lives – when the family unit is breaking down.

“Ultimately, these are real people, not statistics, and we must protect them and their access to the justice system.”

If you need any assistance or advice regarding Domestic Violence please call Louise Law in confidence on 0191 232 9547

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