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Mary Shaw wins Family Lawyer of the Year Award 2017

Mary 31-2Huge congratulations to our Partner and Family Lawyer Mary Shaw who won an award at the 15th LALY Awards in London.

Mary won the ‘Family Private (including Mediation) Award,’ sponsored by Resolution which celebrates the excellent work undertaken by family lawyers across the country.  Mary recently celebrated 30 years with David Gray Solicitors and has helped countless families and separating couples during this time.  Despite facing stiff competition, we are delighted Mary has been recognised for her dedication, enthusiasm and genuine desire to ‘do things differently.’  Mary is a champion of the ‘No fault divorce’ movement and was the first lawyer in our region to undertake a Collaborative law case.

Lawyers must be nominated and we had no shortage of fellow lawyers and clients willing to provide supporting statements and testimonials about Mary with one client declaring Mary ‘A wonder!’

We knew you were a star Mary but are delighted everyone else thinks so too!

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