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Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week 18- 24th May 2020

For most of us, there will never again be a time when so many of us will be affected by mental health issues. Coronavirus came out of nowhere and has caused devastation to many, forcing us to live our lives in very different ways, practically overnight. Everyone will have their own ways of dealing with the new situation they will find themselves in. For those of us living within the parameters of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust you will have received a guide entitled ‘Wellbeing and mental health during covid-19: a guide to looking after yourself and others’ which contains some excellent advice. For those of you not in our area we would recommend checking out the Mind website for some useful advice.

Mental Health Awareness Week has therefore never been more relevant and appropriate. But for many, and for those of us who work in the mental health department here at David Gray Solicitors, we are used to dealing with mental health issues on a daily basis. We have done so for over 30 years. For a small number of people those difficulties can lead to them being detained under the Mental Health Act. If you or someone you know should find themselves in this situation, then contact our Mental Health Team on 0191 232 9547 or at mental healthadmin@davidgray.co.uk and we will be happy to advise and guide you through this process.

Free legal aid is available to those detained under the Mental Health Act.

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