The cheapest way to get divorced

Simplified divorce law
We wrote a blog back in March 2022 setting out the changes that were being made to the divorce process. No Fault Divorce is now underway and couples have been using the process since 6 April 2022. Our blog ultimately outlined an overview of the process, and so you might find it helpful to have a read of this alongside this current post.
Online divorce portal
With the cost of living crisis very much upon us, it is understandable that couples are often concerned with how to progress a divorce as cost effectively as possible. The earlier that couples have conversations between themselves about how they might want to divide any financial assets from their marriage, the better. Couples might then want to think about having a look at the Online Portal and potentially starting the divorce process themselves from the comfort of their own home.
Reducing divorce costs
Once these preliminary discussions have been had, I would then recommend contacting a member of our Family Team to go through what has been discussed, and/or decided, so that you can get some tailored advice about the financial implications. Where possible, I recommend seeking advice before divorce proceedings have started or at least at a very early stage. Having these discussions in advance means that the advice you do receive from a member of our Family Team will be very much bespoke to you, and your individual circumstances around separation. It means that the member of our team who provides you with advice, will have a better overall picture of where both you and your ex-partner stand. This can avoid lengthy correspondence and ultimately, avoid greater costs in the long-run.
When to seek legal advice during divorce
The Online Divorce Portal has been designed for separating couples to do their own divorce, but advice in respect of finances is crucial.
If you wish to speak to one of our divorce law specialists please call Louise Law on 0191 2438163.