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I am a solicitor working in the crime department in our Newcastle office and am a qualified duty solicitor. I started working at David Gray in March 2016, first as a paralegal and then as a trainee solicitor. I have completed training in the areas of family, crime and mental health.

I am always friendly, approachable and supportive as I understand that the matters I work on may be highly sensitive and emotional for all of those involved. My main aim will always be to put clients at ease. I am meticulous and hardworking and I always seek to work constructively with clients to achieve the best possible outcome for them.

I graduated from Northumbria University in July 2014 obtaining a 1st class integrated masters in law, alongside completion of the legal practice course, I qualified as a solicitor in 2019.

The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law FirmsI am noted as a ‘recommended lawyer’ in the Legal 500 2022 rankings.


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