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Resolving family problems

Mediation works. Mediation is a cost-effective, non-confrontational way to resolve the problems of family breakdown without having to go through court.

Mediation (also known as family mediation) helps you and your former partner reach joint agreements. It focuses on developing practical solutions to problems that might otherwise feel overwhelming.

Mediation lays the foundation for a more co-operative relationship between you and your former partner, enabling both of you to move forward and adjust successfully to new lives.

We provide mediation on all family-related issues, including divorce and separation mediation and child custody mediation. One of our highly skilled mediators will meet with you and your former partner to help you discuss the issues you are facing in a constructive way. Our mediators are trained to help you find a solution that works for you and your family.

Our mediators also work closely with other professionals to ensure you receive the information and guidance you need to make the best decisions for your family. In complex financial cases, for example, we can involve specialists in pensions, property and business valuation.

All meetings are confidential and take place in an informal and comfortable setting.  You may find our legal advice in support of mediation page useful.

If you wish to refer yourself to a mediator or are a solicitor wishing to refer a client into mediation please complete and return this form.

Contact Us

For more information or to make an appointment contact our family team in Newcastle or South Shields by email to louise.law@davidgray.co.uk or on 0191 243 8163.

The David Gray Mediation Team

Sukhi Patter

Senior Associate Solicitor

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