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Amber was a pleasure to work with. She responded promptly and accurately to queries, acted professionally throughout and was personable and approachable at all times. Thanks for all of your help Amber!

Client testimonial about Amber Lea - Property

Good communication from initial discussions to end of house purchase supported by effective internal QA related to seller's probate issues etc. Proactive approach from our conveyancer Amber and will use again

Client testimonial about Amber Lea - Buying a Property

Laura Williams dealt with the sale of my property with great professionalism keeping me posted on the progress at all times even though the buyers solicitor Samuel Phillips was absolutely useless in communicating so I can't thank her enough I would highly recommend David Gray solicitors as they are professional in their work

Client testimonial about Laura Williams - Selling Your Property

It was an utmost pleasure working with David Gray Solicitors on my immigration issue. They offered great advice and supported me through the entire migration/visa application process. My consultant was very responsive and relatable. I enjoyed the experience and would gladly recommend David Gray Solicitors on any day.

Client testimonial about James Rickerby - Personal Immigration

I would like to thank you for all your hard work over the last couple of years. You were always patient and kind in dealing with us, even in the most stressful of moments. Being here now we feel blessed to have had such wonderful people like you who enabled us to get here.

Client testimonial about Emma Neale - Family

Thank you very much for your help, Henok! I'm grateful for the extra work you did to bring this together at the last moment.

Client testimonial about Henok Solomon - Personal Immigration

Laura Williams did a fantastic job, a speedy sale completion from start to finish. I can only recommend her to act on your behalf as she delivered an exceptional customer experience.

Client testimonial about Laura Williams

Thank you for wonderful service and communication.

Client testimonial about Chloe McGlade

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