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White-collar fraud or crime generally refers to financially motivated, nonviolent crime committed by those in business for economic benefit. It can involve an array of offences relating to employees and commercial companies in the business sector. Examples of white-collar crimes include – fraudulent transactions, embezzlement, money laundering, bribery and corruption, and forgery.

If you have been accused of white-collar fraud it is essential to seek independent legal advice as soon as possible from a firm with specialist white-collar crime solicitors. With white-collar fraud investigations being able to span over multiple jurisdictions and being highly complex, it is vital to seek legal advice urgently. David Gray’s law firm can provide clients with advice on white-collar crime at any stage of the investigation.

Having specialist white-collar crime solicitors will help to avoid errors and misjudgments in the early stages, which could later prejudice the outcome of the case. Our team work diligently to offer advice and representation throughout white-collar fraud investigations.

Our award-winning criminal defence department includes a specialist team of fraud solicitors who are here to support our clients throughout the entire process. White-collar crime investigations can put stress on your personal life and business, and our team are dedicated to alleviating this stress as much as possible for our clients.

To find out how David Gray Solicitors can provide you with support and legal advice on your current situation, contact us today.

The David Gray White Collar Fraud Team

Janice Hall

Senior Associate Solicitor

Michael Gibson

Senior Associate Solicitor

Josh Hart


Amy Lamb


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