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I am a Trainee Solicitor currently working in the family department at David Gray. Previously, I spent time working in the crime department.

I completed my degree at Durham University in 2020. I have practical experience in public law matters brought about through the involvement of a Local Authority, as well as private law issues, including divorce, finance, and private children matters.

I appreciate that these issues are often very complex and difficult to deal with and that it is not easy to talk about them. However, I take an empathetic and calm approach that is tailored to each individual client and will put you at ease to open up about the nature of your concerns. I will provide you with clear advice throughout the whole process, enabling us to work together and I always aim to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Contact Details

E: jeanette.steuer@davidgray.co.uk

T: 0191 232 9547 EXT: 2933

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