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Our child abduction solicitors deal with a complex area of law that requires knowledge and experience. Having your child taken abroad by a family member without your agreement is a very frightening and distressing experience and you need to be sure that your child abduction solicitor can help effectively.

What classes as child abduction?

Child abduction is not the same as kidnapping, it is where one parent takes a child abroad without the other parent’s consent. Unfortunately, this is becoming more common due to the ease of travel and we have to deal with cases like these on a regular basis.

Relationship breakdown of any kind is profoundly upsetting and stressful for all concerned. Where there is an international element to family relationships, resolving living arrangements for children can be particularly challenging. Added to this is the complexity of the law concerning the movement of children across international borders.

Prohibited Steps Order

If a parent has a worry that the other parent will take the child abroad to live, it may be possible to grant a Prohibited Steps Order. This type of order is conducted by the Court and prevents a child from being removed from the country without the permission of the other parent.

We understand that abduction cases are a particularly difficult for families and our approach is sensitive and skilled. Our specialist team of child abduction solicitors at our Newcastle and South Shields offices, is able to give you the clear advice and guidance that you need. We have the expertise to take steps on an urgent basis, both to prevent child abduction and to recover a child if the abduction has already happened.

We also advise in cases where there are concerns about relocating a family permanently abroad or taking a child abroad on holiday.

For advice from our child abduction solicitors contact us.

Alternatively, if you’re seeking information on other child services, have a look at our child arrangements, social services solicitors, child protection, child support pages or visit our family services page.

The David Gray Child Abduction Team

Lucy Mead


Lisa Russell

Senior Associate Solicitor

Sukhi Patter

Senior Associate Solicitor

James Rickerby

Trainee Solicitor

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