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I am a Residential Conveyancer in the Property Department at David Gray Solicitors.

I understand that although buying or selling a home can often be exciting, it can also be an extremely stressful time in a client’s life. I will therefore take on board the personal circumstances and wishes of each of my clients when dealing with their transaction, ensuring that they are kept in the loop at all times to make the process as smooth as possible.

I aim to provide clear advice that my clients can understand and avoid using unnecessary legal jargon.

Building good rapports with my clients and having confidence that I am offering them the best possible service is unquestionably the most rewarding aspect of my role. A recent client said:

‘Cannot praise our Conveyancer, Amber Lea, highly enough. From day one she has been so helpful, efficient and professional, she has dealt with all of our queries, answered the ‘many’ emails I have sent within a day if not the same day and has chased our buyers Solicitor frequently. She has diligently dealt with our case and we have every confidence that she was looking after our interests at every step. She is a credit to the profession!’

My legal career began in 2017 as a Conveyancing Assistant at a firm which dealt with purely auction sale transactions. I then progressed and greatly expanded my knowledge within the sector. I joined David Gray Solicitors Property team in September 2022 and can assist with all aspects of buying and selling residential property.

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