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I am a Solicitor in the family law team based in the Newcastle office. I have previously worked in the crime and property departments.

I have particular experience with client facing matters during my experience in the Family Department and have been praised for my client care.

Within the Property Department I was actively involved in representing clients during a sale or purchase of their homes. I appreciate this is often a stressful situation with a lot of added time pressure.

I always keep updated on recent changes within the law to ensure tailored advice is provided to my clients in a manner which is easily understood. I pride myself in building a good rapport with my clients and ensuring they feel supported throughout their conveyancing process.

I graduated from Northumbria University with a First Class MLaw Exempting degree with the LPC qualification combined in 2020. During my third year of University, I was listed on the Law School Honour Roll by Womble Bond Dickinson.

I have pro bono experience working at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Northumbria University’s Student Law Office.

I am a member of the Women’s Lawyer Division and Junior Lawyers Division.

I completed my training with the firm and qualified as a solicitor on 31 December 2023.

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